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Maintaining a good physical and mental balance is as crucial as having food daily. Every day in the city hustle, you push yourself more towards lifestyle diseases and destructive habits. Once in a while, you need to look after yourself and be unapologetically proud about it.

Wellness spa resorts allow retreaters to unplug from their daily routine and experience tranquillity. Sometimes you need to take a break from all responsibilities to identify the purpose of your life at an exotic location where the sky touches the earth and nature embraces human life. There you learn to deal with numerous past issues and current happenings.


The best part of spending your time at a health and wellness spa resort lies in the holistic massages that are aimed to restore your balance by aligning the chakras. Today, most of the urban population is well aware of the long-lasting benefits of a health spa. This is why you can find many mini-spas at various outlets including the health clubs, airports, malls, salons or nearby your residence.

Awareness about securing emotional and physical health through spa has reached a larger population that lives in urban areas. Successful tests and trials among various groups have also proved the effectiveness of health spas in dealing with the majority of lifestyle issues successfully. Hence, the same has gained awe-inspiring attention. Today, people are more likely to opt for a wellness retreat than choosing to visit an adventure park or buying a ticket to Hollywood.

Spa Resorts Provides Dedicated Services

Serious spa-goers can relate to the health benefits available at a wellness spa resort. To the world ‘express spa’ can be a real quick way of getting relaxed but for a serious retreater, only a spa resort can be the right approach to heal in the arms of nature, luxury and positivity.

You can stay overnight at a spa property or you may opt to spend a day-time to get spa services. However, it is recommended to stay at a wellness resort for a minimum of two days to a week or maybe two. It gives you maximum exposure to explore the various teachings to inculcate healthy lifestyle habits. Also, a day isn’t just enough to bring major life changes. Think about it and make your decision as per your spa vacation needs and of course, your budget.

Different Types of Wellness Resort Spas: Which one are you looking for?

With the growing popularity of the term ‘Spa’, more and more healing centers are being named under the same which kind of demeans its whole uniqueness. Hence, you must know what are the major types of spas available so it gets a little easier for you to decide on your next vacation, especially if you are new to spa vacation.

Destination Spas

These are the most sought-after spa-type that spa aficionados look for. Since, these involve the typical spa healing programmes along with unique time-off from everything and everyone, holistic healings and impeccable lessons that are focused on the restoration of balance. Spa offerings and holistic programmes are termed retreats while the visitors are defined as retreaters.

At a destination spa, people usually come to relax not in body alone, but they want to pamper their souls too. A destination spa property involves everything ranging from spa treatments to recreational activities to cuisine to luxury stay. After all luxury and relaxation are prerogatives to any type of holiday.

Combing it all with holistic practices and delivering ancient massages makes your stay worthwhile. Destination spas also offer a unique salon experience by pampering your outer persona as much as working on your inner chakras and healing through creating balance in your otherwise rough lifestyle.

Hotel Spas

These are also known as Resort spas which offer spa treatments facility along with fitness lesson and some authentic spa cuisine. Such a kind of spa is usually located at a hotel property making it suitable for hotel visitors to choose spa offerings and relax at a highly organized place managed centrally.

Such spas also combine various other activities like sports or music which allows you to stay connected with your other self while experiencing the spa rituals. The best luxury hotels in the world provide exquisite spa treatments along with robust cuisine and top-class accommodations accompanied with great amenities.

Medical Spas

These are a kind of spas that combines treatment and luxury. If you want a tranquil environment to opt for medical procedures, there’s nothing better than a medical spa that can be your best resort. At a medical spa, you can expect treatments such as photo facials, botox, fillers, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion and few surgeries that require a trained medical practitioner.

Medical spas are licensed and employ a medical staff of high repute and qualification. Only trained doctors perform surgeries and you get to consult them even after you have returned to your place. Medical spas are more inclined towards clinical procedures but have a completely different feel from a typical hospital. There you enjoy comfort, luxury and pampering just like any other spa. You also get massage and sauna baths as per the physician’s instructions. You can also expect nutritional counselling and various holistic treatments along with timeless acupuncture treatment.

Welcome to Our Heavenly Abode at Northumberland Heights!

Are you desperately looking forward to making some lifestyle changes through a holistic retreat at a wellness spa resort? Let us help in creating ever cherishing memories of your stay at our humble abode, situated at the lap of luxury. We welcome our guests at Northumberland Heights and make them undergo heavenly spa experiences.

We aim to restore balance in your life by working on your chakras. Get healed around the natural surroundings and relax at our luxurious suites. Find solace in guided morning walks around the muddy terrain or reconnect with nature in a forest bath at our property. Feel the richness of saunas after nourishing wellness spa massages that fill you with positive energy. We welcome you to spend some quality time at our heavenly abode- Northumberland Heights, the best wellness Spa resort in Canada. Let us know when you are heading to us, and we will get it all covered for you

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